Happy Camp Principal, Angelika Brown, shared her notes with me from their opening site staff meeting. I was inspired by the conversation and the staff response to the question "What are the qualities of change?". It sure helps to put qualities behind a statement or value such as "Embrace and Drive Change". It helps us and our students embrace the values and work toward achieving them.
Notes from the meeting:
Norms for staff meetings:
Take turns talking, no side conversations, come prepared, and come on time!
Angelika will ask everyone for their opinion and we are taking turns so everyone will be heard or a person can say pass after they feel they said everything that they wanted to say.
When your turn comes please stay on the topic and not more than a 1 minute response.
Staff is always encouraged to share topics and can be put on the agenda for the weekly staff meetings.
Motto of the School Year:
“Embrace and Drive Change”
“Change is the end result of all true learning” Leo Buscaglia
What are the qualities of change?
Staff responded:
complain less, acceptance, focus on current needs and less on past mistakes, flexibility, awareness of different student’s needs, role modeling, look straight at the heart, open mindedness, positive focus, willingness to learn, long suffering, patience with ourselves, learn new technology, change brings inner growth, diversity being able to change quickly, innovation, change is a potential solution, “I can’t versus I can”, productive don’t get sucked into their drama, talk less, sharing/collaboration, be kind to each other, patience, more humor laughing and chocolate, support each other, be kind to each other, respect our students, remember we are the teachers and they are the children, don’t lower ourselves to their level, building rapport
Great Work
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